Low Dimensional Game
Low Dimensional Game

Low Dimensional Game

RANK 656
446 Chapters 812K Views 1.57K Bookmarked Completed Status


Low Dimensional Game novel is a popular light novel covering Drama, Fantasy, and Sci-fi genres. Written by the Author LSLCCF. 446 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.


By accident, Lu Zhiyu found the entrance to a low-dimensional world, and thus began a totally different journey!

Free to control everything in the low-dimensional game, Lu Zhiyu felt like a gamemaster, and even God.

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  • Infinite_Universe 25

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  • KingAngi1 4

    This novel is a perfect stress free "world building" novel. You won't be disappointed. The mc doesn't reincarnate into a magical/ cultivation world, he makes himself from mythical creatures, magic to cultivators it's a pretty good perspective ignoring the mambo jambo science. As of ch.100 you won't be disappointed.

  • JLNayre 4

    what the heck, I don't get it. Can someone explain to me what Orc's race mean?

    • Abyssalsun 5

      Basically all species that aren't humans.

  • ChrisW 8

    12feb2024 Picked to read this purely because world building tag. There are a lot of tags though, hope I'm not disappointed, the rank is not promising. Lezzgo

    • SpaceANT 3

      judging on rank is odd when most of the top 100s are garbage. I have also not read this novel an probably won't based on your other comment on it being author's wet dream. I personally like Chronicles of primordial war it's not too long it has exploration action and interactions between people that feel more real but I believe the ending to be to rushed and could of extend much further.

      Edited: 1mo
      • Abyssalsun 5

        The "authors wet dream" part stops at like 12-14 iirc, he doesn't even have a love interest.

    • JLNayre 4

      bro, do you understand the race of this novel like the Orc's? if you don't mind can you explain it to me. plss

      • ChrisW 8

        Sorry, I've dropped this novel, because I felt it became more of reading about the author's wet dreams. Not into that. There is better media out there for that.

      • JLNayre 4

        oh okay, thanks

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  • JuicyJOE 4

    From 9 lines of tags, you can tell that the author lacked a clear direction for the novel. The story starts as a self-indulgent story, where the main character fulfills the author's daydreams by acquiring extreme handsomeness, immense wealth, and other desires effortlessly. Then, it turned into a low-grade sci-fi story filled with incomprehensible and tedious experimental logs where the main character engages in a series of random “fantasy experimental”. Subsequently, the focus shifts to side characters with pointless and unproductive storylines that contribute little to the main plot, while the main character remains absent for an extended period. At this juncture, I decided to abandon the novel. . The most important tag for this novel is 'Unreliable Narrator'. The self-indulgent element stands out as its sole redeeming quality, boasting impressive design, and a remarkably powerful main character.

    Edited: 11mo
    • Vile_Thieving_Bird 15

      I both disagree and agree with everything you said. Yes the MC starts out as stated, but theres a clear point where he exceeds human want and desire. Afterwards he becomes much more grounded and... diety like.

  • Vile_Thieving_Bird 15

    8.7/10 feels right for this novel. I can't give it a 9 because of the ending, but it was an excellent read. This novel does have a "sequel" that resolves the loose ends of this novel. Im looking forward to reading it. Basically if your considering this series, go for it. Few series pull off god-like MCs as well as this one.

    • AntiMeme 15

      Bro I'd appreciate if you could drop the name of the sequel.

      • Vile_Thieving_Bird 15

        Rebirth dominator

    • BlackSeamen0 2

      Do you know any good God like novels as good as this one

      • Haremhater 13

        Ascending the heavens as a evil god, soul of negary

      • BlackSeamen0 2

        I've read soul of Nagar but I'll read the other one thanks

      • Daoist_Carefree 20

        Bro Gu Nan is as unhinged and a lolicon if you care about that. But the unhinged part tho. Like one time, oh! *SPOILER DO NOT READ THIS PART IF YOU PLAN TO READ ASCENDING THE HEAVENS AS AN EVIL GOD* like one time, he made a loli a drug addict and forced her into a room with l*sb**n pedi "sister" of the MC and used that as an blackmailing chip as that would ruin her reputation. Like bro author, how did you even think of that💀

      • BlackSeamen0 2

        Wow what was the author smoking 🤣

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  • Apollon 65

    This is probably one of my favorite novels. I just love when the MC builds their own world.

    • JLNayre 4

      bro, do you understand the race of this novel like the Orc's? if you don't mind can you explain it to me. plssss

      • Apollon 65

        Sorry, it has been a while since I have read this novel. I would have to reread to get a better grasp on what you are talking about.

    • RyotaMitarai 8

      I definitely recommend Godly Model Creator. It's actually pretty interesting too. I've read it through and the ending was definitely satisfying.

      • Apollon 65

        I wish there were more world-building novels out there. Sadly, I have already read Godly Model Creator.

      • RyotaMitarai 8

        Too bad, I recommend Reverend Insanity (latter parts of the novel)... I also recommend Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse (fast-paced, started pretty early). Maybe they are not directly about world-building, but they are well-written especially the former. Eh, hey, I don't exactly advice you to read kingdom-building only novels if their author isn't that famous, it requires so much knowledge about business and how the economy works and maybe scientific knowledge. It isn't easy and they may waste your time instead with their obvious plot-holes. However, that's just my two cents.

      • Apollon 65

        Bro, are you an oracle? I am literally reading Reverend Insanity at this very moment. I'm on chapter 1714 right now.

      • tobywazowski 16

        the world online is good as well for world buliding

      • Apollon 65

        Sounds good👍Just added it to my never-ending list of a library

      • RyotaMitarai 8

        Well if there's anything I love about this community, is their shared admiration for RI. I'm glad I'm not the only one😎😅

        Edited: 8mo
    • PrimordialChaosHuman 8

      Hey I see that we both have the same tastes, so can you recommend a story where the mc builds his own World or He's a God who built his world?

      • JhakaasJai 12

        Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu

      • Sam0207 8

        Glad someone else appreciates it😄 I read it after seeing 1st season of it's anime... it's good.

      • JhakaasJai 12

        I have completed novel as well. All 18 volumes. It was a fantastic journey ngl. But it lost it's momentum at later chapters...

      • Sam0207 8

        It's still ongoing no? Did it get completed? I read a fan translations... If you have another translation source please tell me... Not MTL plz. Thanks

      • Zaakky 1

        It wasn't like the MC in the novel was a human reincarnated into another world and he wasn't the one who created that world. I've only read a few so if I'm wrong please correct me

      • JhakaasJai 12

        He creates a whole new dimension inside and builds his own kingdom inside... after beginning chapters...

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  • Imuttt_penguasaDunia 10

    There is another novel by the same author called Rebirth Dominator but I don't know if it has the same universe as lu ziyu

  • Imuttt_penguasaDunia 10

    I finally finished it after a month of reading it It gets boring near the end and I didn't like the ending, I forced myself to finish it

    Edited: 1y
    • Disintegration_ 8

      Hey will Mc get soo emotionally attached to his creations Tha he will share the secrets that this world is a experimental play ground of his friends ? And will he keep interfering with mortals life and show only favortism to the people he is familiar with like his duaghter and granddaughter and deciples he helps them way too much that it's annoying a God shouldn't be interfering with the life of mortal it totally ruins the God vibe(I'm at chap 160 and I don't want waste my time by reading about a God who keeps interfering with his creations life so should I drop this?)

      Edited: 1y
      Admin Edit: 28 May, 08:18

      Spoiler alert enabled. Make sure to enable the "Contains Spoilers" option in your comment.

      • BlackSerpent 5

        go read "sword god in the world of magic" and you'll know the meaning of godhood!! note: that god is nut's totally.

      • Daoist_Carefree 20

        Sword God certainly didn't age well. Also, #SHANGOVERALEX

      • soulreader1 8

        ok while I haven't read this book why are you saying a god should be indifferent? a god should literally be able to do whatever they want and from myths about gods that's exactly what they have always done basically even the bible has God interfering with mortals so the only other place you could get that image of gods would be other novels which don't matter in this book the very idea that a god should act any specific kind of way especially a standard set by mortals is ridiculous

      • Disintegration_ 8

        #3 At the funeral, her first thought was everything was his fault and he disdains mortals, which shows she never thought well of him, even after he helped her eliminate the star souls as she ascended to level 7, she started ranting about how he’s being invasive and evil. Even after he left the world in peace, she started claiming he’s lost interest in them as toys and went to find new ones. This is the worst character to pick as a second MC, there’s nothing redeeming about her. She was an elf from the start, therefore she was privileged from birth, never has to struggle from the start like all characters in this novel yet she complains the most. I think if Mc hadn't got emotionally attached to them this wouldn't have happened

      • Disintegration_ 8

        #2 the only thing she tells him is to f*ck off and someday I am going be stronger and I am going to kill you.. boooriiinggg.. the f*ck you would... never you would, not in a million years you could... then there are the Angels.. his "daughters" what ever their names were.. I absolutely hate them.. not only do they not bring anything to the story.. they are ruining the story, (I mean how would they find out that Mc created them? Unless he got too emotionally attached to them and she got to know those secrets of Mc from being with him) Wendy has been the most entitled selfish brat that literally thinks she’s the MC. I couldn’t even enjoy the extra chapters because of it. It’s like she was created to a d*ck to the MC for everything he does. At first, when she said his tower was ugly and thought he was an evil manipulator, I thought that was just her rebellious character. But then she requested an entire world outside simply because she didn’t want to live in his world.

        Edited: 1y
      • Disintegration_ 8

        #1 when his student find out who he really is.. That he created them.. That her life was a lie all along that she was born from a test tube.. whoowee fuuukking a.. and what happens when they talk.. She tells him that some day she is going to be as strong as him and kill him.. that she is going to bring her self into Independence arght... then what happens she and the wizards that want to leave he creates a new world for them.. with no laws or interference from the "gods" and that's just what happens... they own world with no gods with no Lu.. haha guess what not only when does she Wendy the elf that found out about Lu and his "true" identity when she is trying to do something, becoming one with the world or something like this.. and she is getting rejected by the stars the "people in the stars" Lu goes there and stops them from rejecting here and killing.. he tells them to not to engage in the name of the Creator.. What gratitude does he get from Wendy?.. absolutely nothing..

        Edited: 1y
      • Abyssalsun 5

        I agree that Wendy's a b*tch, but the mc knows she can never do what she said she would( catch up to him and kill him) like how would you feel if an ant threatens to kill you?(She's even more insignificant than an ant to the mc, he literally created her) And he created another world for them cuz he felt kinda guilty about experimenting on them and allat, so yh Wendy's simply a whiny brat and mc's views her demands as easy to accomplish and plus he was still experimenting on how to create more worlds so..

        Edited: 2mo
      • soulreader1 8

        you do realize all that you stated has absolutely nothing to do with my response right? i simply commented on your notion about how a god should behave and like i stated at the beginning of my comment i haven't even read the book nor was i planning to tbh seems like too much drama happens which isn't to my taste

      • Disintegration_ 8

        I just copy pasted something I saw 👀 What I meant was from this you can see that the Mc is caring for peoples enough to do things that will become a disadvantage in the future (I dont know how God behave in real life but based on novel's I have read thay wont be biased towards some peoples and save them while watching kingdom's destroy each other and killing his non human creations because they did bad things while he himself gave them that personality Its just feels wrong to have the very person that created you to kill you, you know)

        Edited: 1y
      • soulreader1 8

        according to the bible god created everything and yet still flooded the earth killing lots of people and sends people to hell for eternal torment if they're bad despite god creating them and supposedly being omniscient meaning he already knows in advance who's going to do bad things so it's probably about the same tbh

      • Imuttt_penguasaDunia 10

        his mc is biased towards some people close to him, even meddling in selecting gods and eliminating people he doesn't like I suggest you to stop if you don't want to see a Creator who doesn't act like a god, I mean he still has emotions unlike a god in general who is cold and look down on the world

        Edited: 1y
      • Disintegration_ 8

        Thank you, I will drop it

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  • ParadoxicalQuest2 7

    Ch 110 This is pretty interesting, but the long periods of MC researching can get a little boring. Everything considered though, I like the unique concept.
